Wrenn’s Lawn Service
Your premier lawncare professionals in Hickory, North Carolina
Your premier lawncare professionals in Hickory, North Carolina

We have the team, equipment and experience to safely & efficiently manage your property.

Let’s discuss the unique needs of you and your yard, then find our path forward together.

Keeping the best landscapers by your side makes the world of difference over time.

With appropriately scheduled visits, your property is our priority with a goal of health & beauty throughout.

Do you have yard debris that needs removed? Contact us to find out how we can make it disappear.
Professional property management in Hickory, NC!
With our team of outdoor landscape professionals by your side, your landscape needs become a thing of the past. Our experienced lawn service contractors stand ready to get a deep understanding of the unique property & needs of each client, leading to smooth service and expected results.
If you or your team needs service on your property in the Hickory, North Carolina area, call us directly at 828-409-3858 to learn more about what we can do for you.